Stinger Emitters by MicrOmics Technologies


Stinger Emitters: Optimal Performance Across the Nanoflow Regime (5-1000 nL/min).

Use 20 µm i.d., 360 µm o.d., 5.5 cm long for 50–1000 nL/min and lower back pressure.

Use 10 µm i.d., 360 µm o.d., 5.5 cm long for 5–100 nL/min and lower post-column volume.

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Key features

  • No clog-prone internal taper, providing uninterrupted operation

    • >100 LC-MS analyses performed with a single emitter

    • Taper-free chemically etched emitters have been found to last 4x longer on average than pulled silica emitters

  • Outstanding spray stability and robustness

  • Rigorously inspected prior to packaging