Aurora Rapid 5cm Columns
When high throughput matters, Aurora Rapid™ ensures you achieve IDs previously unimaginable at speed. Aurora Rapid™ provides the benefits of microflow chromatography for analytical research, with comparatively less sacrifice of depth of coverage when high throughput is the driving motivation.
Available singly or in 5-packs, with or without the Captive Spray Interface (CSI) adapter.
Product Benefits:
+ Ultra high throughput + Time savings
+ Microflow + System stability
When high throughput matters, Aurora Rapid™ ensures you achieve IDs previously unimaginable at speed. Aurora Rapid™ provides the benefits of microflow chromatography for analytical research, with comparatively less sacrifice of depth of coverage when high throughput is the driving motivation.
Available singly or in 5-packs, with or without the Captive Spray Interface (CSI) adapter.
Product Benefits:
+ Ultra high throughput + Time savings
+ Microflow + System stability
When high throughput matters, Aurora Rapid™ ensures you achieve IDs previously unimaginable at speed. Aurora Rapid™ provides the benefits of microflow chromatography for analytical research, with comparatively less sacrifice of depth of coverage when high throughput is the driving motivation.
Available singly or in 5-packs, with or without the Captive Spray Interface (CSI) adapter.
Product Benefits:
+ Ultra high throughput + Time savings
+ Microflow + System stability